Climate change poster design

A white poster on a light grey background with an illustration of a thermometer and two dots arranged to resemble a polar bear’s face

Lark has contributed a climate change poster design to Mate Act Now. In response to the 2019/20 Australian bushfires, Mate Act Now is a poster protest for the digital generation. A protest against the pull to stay idle as countries burn, icebergs melt, viruses spread and leaders turn their back. Design studios from around the world have designed posters driving climate action.

Our poster design used the polar bear to illustrate the impacts of climate change. Melting Arctic ice, due to global warming, is the biggest threat to their survival.

Selected poster designs will be collated into a book and all proceeds will go to the Australian Bushfire Relief Fund. Find out more, see the other posters and buy the book by visiting the Mate Act Now website.


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Designing during lockdown