Mapping Zimbabwe and four other finds

Five Finds is a monthly collection of five inspiring things we deemed worthy of sharing. If you’d like inspiration in your inbox each month sign up here.

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Two elderly women sitting on park benches opposite a pond with a shopping trolley between them.

Still from Welcome Back © Guinness

Guinness everywhere

As pubs and bars reopened for indoor pints, this clever advert spot from Guinness was inspired by the shared experience of seeing something we miss everywhere we look.


Every Noise at Once

Ever wondered what Chilean indie music sounds like? Or how it compares to Austrian stoner rock? Wonder no more! Every Noise at Once is an algorithmically-generated, readability-adjusted scatter-plot of the musical genre-space, based on data from Spotify. We recommend the ‘scan’ function.

Aerial view of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, with a massive curtain of water cascading down and a winding road with vehicles visible nearby.

© Clip from Reverse Selfie by Dove

One man mapping Zimbabwe

When Tawanda Kanhema discovered his hometown Harare, wasn’t on Street View, he volunteered to carry Google’s gear to map what amounted to 2,000 miles of his home country.

iew from above of a pavement with a colorful mosaic filling in a large crack in the surface.

Image © Ememem

Mosaic mending

Since 2016 artist Ememem has been filling potholes, plastering pavements and colouring cracks in Lyon and throughout France with his beautiful mosaic installations.

Large moss-covered rock in a forest, shaped like a human head with a prominent nose and chin.

Donald Trump in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany © Bernhard Lang

Mountain Faces

Photographer Bernhard Lang is afflicted with pareidolia (seeing faces in things). His latest project Mountain Faces shows that mountain peaks rotated 90 degrees resemble the profile of human faces.


Studio news


We were very pleased to hear that our Christmas cards, designed in collaboration with WithPrint, were shortlisted in the self promotion category of the D&AD Awards.



Studio move


Shortlisted for a D&AD award