Colourful Coventry and four other finds
Five Finds is a monthly collection of five inspiring things we deemed worthy of sharing. If you’d like inspiration in your inbox each month sign up here.
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Font Builder
Pretend Foundry have created a custom font builder that allows you to design, draw and download a custom font based on your handwriting.
"insane51 / Hasselt - 31 mei 2019" by Ferdinand 'Ferre' Feys is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
3D graffiti
Stathis Tsavalias, also known as Insane51 is an international mural artist who's best known for his double exposure graffiti.
Kinetic icons
With the Olympics coming to a close there’s just time to highlight the awesome pictograms for the Tokyo games. Designed by Masaaki Hiromura and animated by Kota Iguchi each pictogram shows their sport in motion for the first time. They were even created live during the opening ceremony.
Design: Morag Myerscough / Images: Gareth Gardner
Colourful Coventry
As part of Coventry’s status as City of Culture for 2021, Morag Myerscough has created a pavilion installation inspired by the cities’ iconic cathedral’s stained glass windows.
A, b, see
As part of the rebrand of the Braille Institute of America, Applied Design created Atkinson Hyperlegible a typeface designed specifically for the visually impaired. Better yet, it’s been made available for free on Google Fonts.
Studio news
New work
Tick Tock website
After months of brewing we’re very happy to finally see the launch of the new Tick Tock tea website. Designed to compliment their vibrant range of teas, the bespoke Shopify site allows for endless customisation. More details and full case study coming soon.